Friday, July 26, 2013

Thoughts and Opinion:Flaws Of The Juror B29,Trial

          As you have all seen the interview of juror B29 with Robin Roberts. In the interview there were several questionable answers from juror B29. 
          First of all does she know what the difference is between manslaughter and murder. As she said in the interview "He got away with murder" and also said ,"But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty." I don't know if under Florida law manslaughter is when someone kills someone intentionally,but i do not think so. 
       The real definition of manslaughter is when there is absence of intentionally killing someone.For example: a drunk driver hits and kills a pedestrian.The driver will be charged with DWI and manslaughter. Manslaughter could mean you don't wake up that morning and say I am going to kill this person today. Then murder is when you plan it out and say you are going to kill this person intentionally. 
       Probably people are then saying it was self-defense,that is why Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. Really?,Zimmerman was looking for trouble when he started following Trayvon Martin. How would it be self defense if Zimmerman followed Martin? Really?, Martin probably tried to get away from Zimmerman and when he couldn't, he might have banged Zimmerman against the concrete (as Zimmerman's lawyers said)which could have resulted in Zimmerman shooting Martin. Wouldn't you protect yourself if someone was following you? It could have been Martin that was the one in self defense,trying to get away from Zimmerman and trying to protect himself. I do not know why Zimmerman did not get the charge for manslaughter. 
      Why if DWI drunk drivers killed someone,the defense could say he didn't do it intentionally. Then he wouldn't be charged according to juror B29 because he didn't do it intentionally,really? That does not sound right at all. Exactly like this trial and what juror B29 said. Furthermore,everyone keeps referring that Zimmerman got away with murder, but really shouldn't it be manslaughter.
      Another thing I find hard to believe is when juror B29 said,"I'm hurting as much as Trayvon Martin's mother because there's no way that any mother should feel that pain,". First of all how can you say that, it is more heart wrenching and devastating to a mother who lost a son, than juror giving a verdict in a trial. It is the worst thing for a mother who lost a son or any child. A juror cannot compare herself to a mother grieving for her son.

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